Monday, January 19, 2009

Thanksgiving 2008

This year for Thanksgiving my family came to Colorado - except for my brothers family. We missed them! We had a great time eating, ice skating and hanging out.

Megan, Kyle and Zach

Jacque and Julie - it was a very cold day!

Darren helping Malyn put her skates on!

Zach, Megan, Kyle, and Malyn

BYU vs. Air Force

This fall we were able to attend the BYU vs. Air Force game in Colorado Springs on November 15. We went with my friends from work, Chris and Danielle, and our friends from BYU - Jenn and Lino. It was really fun - BYU alumni had a huge tailgate party and I swear half the stadium was BYU fans. Each time BYU scored, which was quite a bit, we all stood and sang the alma mater. One of the coolest things was seeing the traditional fly over before the game began.

Winston and Jacque

Jacque, Danielle and Chris

Jenn and Lino

Saturday, January 3, 2009


This past summer/fall I ran in 3 races. One of which was Race for the Cure. Denver was the #1 site for the most participants. There were over 62,000 participants. I ran with my friend Danielle!

It's Been A While

I haven't been very good at updating my, I thought I would go back a couple months and share with you some of the stuff we've done.
STARTING the fall we had the opportunity to go to Hawaii with some of our friends - Tom and Janae. We had a great time lying on the beach and snorkeling! Our hotel beach was basically a huge reef. You couldn't really even swim there because of all the coral. So, we literally snorkeled all day long. It was great. I love it there!

This was the view from our hotel the first night we were there. After that, we moved to the time share!

We saw so many beautiful beaches and waterfalls.

This was on the road to Hana - it's one of my favorite places! The color of these trees were amazing!

We were eating with Tom and Janae at Cheeseburger in Paradise!

At one of the local beaches - I swear it was called Wedding Beach, but it seems that some disagree with me!

We saw so many cool things snorkeling!