Sunday, September 23, 2007

Megan's Baptism

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend my nieces baptism. It was so fun to see her so excited. She looked beautiful.
All the girls went to get pedicures the day before. It was Megan's first time!

Julie, Megan and Malyn

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Two days after I got back from Arizona I flew to Florida to visit my parents for the Labor Day weekend. Winston was already there on business and so I flew into Orlando to meet him. The next morning we drove north a couple of hours to Gainesville where my parents live. We always try to pick at least one weekend in the fall to visit them and attend a Florida football game. It was Florida's first game and they played Western Kentucky University - it was supposed to start at 7 PM, but for some reason they changed it to a 12:30 know what that means??? Hot and Humid!
Winston and my mom weren't feeling very well so my dad and I took off to join the other 90,000 fans.
It's always an amazing experience to be a gator fan at a home football game. There are tons of people packed in the swamp and there's a reason they call it the swamp. I was totally sweating by the time we even got to our fact, I was soaken wet. it was ridiculous. My shorts were soaked as well as my shirt. Note to self.....gray t-shirts show sweat more!
About ten minutes after sitting there i gave up on trying to look semi cute - I pulled my hair back and just let the sweat run down my body EVERYWHERE.
But the one thing that I really didn't understand were all the cute girls that didn't have a drip of sweat on them. I don't know how they do it. My dad thought maybe it was because they really weren't wearing anything at all! :) He was probably right!

Grandma's Funeral

These past couple of weeks have been a whirl wind. My unexpected trip to Arizona last weekend was a wonderful, but sad weekend.....if you can have both at the same time. It was really fun to see all of my cousins that I haven't seen in years. We laughed and cried all weekend while reminiscing about Grandma. There are only 8 grandkids on the Blaser side and we were all really close to G. Blaser. In fact, I think she made us ALL feel like we were her favorite grandchild.

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: David Blaser, Becky Otterson, Julie Hobbs, Lisa Delap, Roger Bean, Jacque Miller, Tracy Bean and Brad Bean

Saturday evening all the grandkids and spouses met at Cafe Rio for dinner and a "family meeting" to discuss the funeral details. It's a good thing my sister took dad couldn't seem to make any decisions (rightfully so).

On Sunday evening we all met at my cousin Becky's house for ice cream sundaes and to practice the music for the funeral. The great grand children (I think there were 22 in attendance) sang a medley of songs with Jennie on the piano and Malyn playing the violin.

On Monday morning before the funeral all 5 grand daughters had the opportunity to dress and prepare Grandma. It was such an emotional experience, but such an honor to have the opportunity to serve my grandmother one last time. The funeral was wonderful and I learned so many great things about her.