Friday, March 28, 2008


Here's some more snowboarding pictures.  
The kids waiting to get registered for their classes.
Getting their boards!
Zach - checking to see if his goggles are going to fit over his helmet.
This picture was taken after a long day as we got in the car ready to head home.
About 10 minutes later! 

Spring Break

Last week my sister and her kids came to visit during their Spring Break. We had so much fun ice skating, skiing, hiking, playing games and just hanging out with each other.
The highlight of the week was taking all the kids skiing....well, actually snowboarding. Because all the kids were snowboarding Winston and Darren decided they needed to try it as well. They both took an all day lesson and by the end of the day they were very sore and very frustrated. So, the next day we all hung out in the lodge while the kids had their lessons. About half way through the day we received a call from the Ski School saying that Malyn (Julie's 2nd) was in the medical room. When we got there we were lucky to find out that no bones were broken, but that she wasn't feeling well and couldn't finish her lesson. So, Malyn spent the rest of the day with us in the lodge playing cards and watching the Junior Olympics.

This is all of us hanging out in the lodge at Winter Park.

One day we all hiked "the Rock" - this picture was taken at the top where it was very windy!

After a long day of snowboarding - Zach, Kyle, Malyn, & Megan

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good Times - First Time

For Christmas I gave Winston a gift certificate to go snowmobiling - good for 2 hours on a Saturday morning some time this winter. This last week he decided to cash it in. So, early in the week I made reservations for four (we went with our friends Paul and Alysa) - hoping we would have some good weather.

The weather was perfect this past weekend. There's still snow on the ground, but it was one of those super sunny wintery weekends. I had to attend a Stake Women's Conference Saturday morning - so we left for the mountains right after. Our reservations were for 2:30 PM and we wanted to arrive with time to spare. We all got dressed and checked-in with our guide, Angus! I know, I know, I had to ask him twice what his name was. :)

He taught us how to run the snowmobiles and then they gave us about 10 minutes to run around the practice track.

Winston and Paul were crazy on the machines! It was all we could do to keep up with them. We had a couple girls from Alabama in our group and when we stopped at the "1/2 way" place they complained to our guide that they felt like they were being left out because we were going so fast. Winston and Paul responded - "the gas pedal is on the right!" Our guide pretended to slow down for them, but he really didn't! I think they were bugged with us, but we had a great time.

This picture was taken at the Continental Divide where we stopped for a short break.

Me and Winston in our gear!

Us with the Claverie's!

Afterwards we went into the town of Breckenridge and had a nice dinner at a pretty good Mexican restaurant. We were all exhausted!