Monday, June 16, 2008

Love the Heat!

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to have a 'girls' weekend. We were supposed to go to Palm Springs, but we decided we didn't want to spend all that time in the car and spend the money on gas. So, we ended up going to north Scottsdale staying at the JW Marriott. It was wonderful - just what I needed. We spent all day long at the pool.....Kati totally made fun of me because I kept applying my sun screen, but I made it out of there without a sunburn! We chatted the entire time, went to a couple movies, and of course ate some great food! I would move to Arizona in a heart beat. Love the heat! We missed you Lindsey!

Kati and Jacque

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Almost 20 years ago!

A couple months ago my parents drove from Florida to Colorado to visit us. They drove instead of flying so they could bring me literally a car load (and then some) of my stuff that has been sitting in their house forever. This morning as I was going through some of the boxes I found some great stuff.......old love notes from boyfriends, sport banquet programs, EFY registration stuff and one baptism program. It was my friend Michelle DeLuna's baptism program. She was baptized almost 20 years ago....July 24, 1988! Michelle and her husband, Joe, are actually the ones that set me and Winston up on our first blind date! AND...last summer they moved to Castle Rock! Any way, we actually had plans to meet them for dinner tonight. It was fun to give the program to Michelle and see her reaction!