Sunday, August 31, 2008

DNC Pictures

Celebrities Everywhere!

This past week was super crazy. We hosted the Democratic National Convention at the Pepsi Center here in Denver. We worked very long days and dealt with some really nice people and some not so nice people. The first day was a total cluster! Because the DNC "rented" our building for 10 weeks, we pretty much were treated like tenants. Even though all of us are in the event industry and have worked and planned several events, they really didn't want to hear our suggestions and did their own thing anyway. So, the first day they did everything their way...hence the cluster! Late that evening we met with the DNC people and gave them our suggestions - needless to say, the next two days were great!  

Even though we worked very hard, I had a great time. I wasn't so much into listening to all the speeches (even though I saw quite a few of them) I was more into the celebrity sightings!
One of the highlights of my week was shaking hands with President Jimmy Carter and his wife and then later shaking hands with President Bill Clinton. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. How often do you get to shake a President of the United States hand?
There were so many famous people in the building, but I only saw a few:
1) Muhammad Ali - we actually were asked to get him a wheelchair (even though he refused to use one) and then have a security team escort him to his suite. As soon as people realized who he was...they pretty much attacked him. It took him forever to get to his seat.
2) Blair Underwood
Taye Diggs - I saw him several times

4) Angela
Bassett - hello Stella!
5) Biff - David Letterman's side kick - they tried to get us to be on
TV, but we thought it wouldn't be very professional while we were working and all....and then the next thing we know, our Director of Security is being interviewed and filmed.
6) Charles Barkley
7) Rudy Giuliani
8)  Omarosa
9)  Deidre Hall - otherwise known as  Dr. Marlena Evans from DOOL!
10)  Stephen Spielberg
11)  Jamie Foxx
12)  President Jimmy Carter
13)  President Bill Clinton
14)  Senator John Kerry
15)  Ummm....several other Senators, but I'm not quite sure who they were! :)
16)  Martin Luther King's son
17)  Alicia Witt
18)  Ashley Judd - she is the cutest thing - we actually ate dinner next to her one night! 
19)  KJ - former Suns player
20)  Bill O'Reilley
21)  Kerry Washington
22)  Megyn Kelly - America's Newsroom 
23)  Oprah - we saw her on the last night - through my binoculars - she was sitting in a suite a couple sections over from us..supposedly Mary J. Blige was in her suite, but we never saw her.
24)  Al Gore
25) Tim Daly - from Wings
26)  Shawn Johnson
27)  John Legend
28)  Sheryl Crow
29)  Jennifer Hudson
30)  Stevie Wonder

I'm sure there are others, but this is all I can remember right now...I'll have to update this as the others come to me. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

DNC in Denver - August 25-28, 2008

Tomorrow the Democratic National Convention begins right here in Denver. We are actually hosting the first three days of the convention at Pepsi Center. The closing speech will be delivered on Thursday at Invesco Field! It has been crazy at moments getting ready for this, but I am excited to see it all come together.

Betsy's Visit to Colorado

My friend Betsy from Texas came to Colorado this summer for her friends wedding. The wedding was in Colorado Springs which is about 30 miles south of where we live. So, she came and stayed with us for the weekend and I was actually her date for the wedding. We had a great time catching up and eating some great food!

This is us right after the wedding...waiting for the reception to begin.

The wedding was Saturday morning and so when we got back to Castle Rock Winston took us up to the mountains to do some hiking. We hiked up to the forest fire look out called Devils Head. Just when we thought the hike was almost over - we came to these stairs. You have to climb these if you want to see if the hike was all worth it.

It was! Here's part of the view from the top.

Summer trip to Philadelphia

Every summer my in-laws go on a trip with just the girls. This was the first summer I was able to go with them. There are no kids allowed on the trip and so two of my sister-in-laws were missing because they both have had a baby within the last year. This summer the trip was to Philadelphia! We had a great time visiting all of the tourist sites and visiting some areas we probably shouldn't be in or around during night! :)

We actually stayed in one of Winston's hotels in New Jersey. This is the bridge we took every day to get into Philadelphia.

Typical down town Philadelphia street.

We HAD to try at least one original Philly Cheese Steak sandwich.

At the top of the 'Rocky' steps.

Rocky Balboa statue - it was so hot and humid this day!

Me, Kristin (my sister-in-law) and Aunt Lynn

One day we drove about one and a half hours to Atlantic City, New Jersey. I had never been there before. We walked along the boardwalk and did some shopping and also walked down to the beach. The water was super cold. I don't know how anyone could swim in that cold water!

On the way home from Atlantic City we stopped at the cutest little town right on the ocean called Cape May.

The Liberty Bell