Monday, June 16, 2008

Love the Heat!

A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to have a 'girls' weekend. We were supposed to go to Palm Springs, but we decided we didn't want to spend all that time in the car and spend the money on gas. So, we ended up going to north Scottsdale staying at the JW Marriott. It was wonderful - just what I needed. We spent all day long at the pool.....Kati totally made fun of me because I kept applying my sun screen, but I made it out of there without a sunburn! We chatted the entire time, went to a couple movies, and of course ate some great food! I would move to Arizona in a heart beat. Love the heat! We missed you Lindsey!

Kati and Jacque


Kristin said...

How fun to have a girls weekend with your friends! And I agree, I love the heat as well. Although, it is really, really hot here right now. I can't wait to spend some time with you on our ladies trip. Love ya, Kristin

Fisher Family said...

I love that picture of you guys. I seriously missed out. I keep trying to call you...we need to catch up! Arizona looks like it was a lot of fun!

katib said...

WOW...your blog has had a make-over. I am glad there was only one picture cause I would have hated any pool shots. It was really fun and we need to do it again.

Jennie Blaser said...

Hey -- you were all the way in Scottsdale and didn't come see us? Hope it was fun! I love girls' weekends!