Friday, August 24, 2007

Grandma Blaser

The other night (8/22/07) I got a call from my dad telling me that my grandma Blaser had passed away. I was heart broken, but even more sad for my dad. I don't see him or hear him cry very often.
I'm heading to Arizona in the morning to be with my family and to attend her funeral. I have so many fond memories of my grandma.

I remember one time in college my girlfriend Kim and I went down to St. George to stay with them (my grandma and grandpa) for the weekend. The first night we went with some friends to Mesquite and didn't get back until about 3:00 in the morning. They were so mad at us that they "grounded" us for the rest of the weekend! :) Not only am I in college getting grounded by my grandparents, but my friend also got grounded!

Although she is probably better off I will still miss her dearly.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One day at a time....

How would you feel if you went to the doctor for some tests and when he came out with the results he told had cancer? In just a matter of seconds so many thoughts are going through your mind. What kind of cancer is it? Has it spread anywhere? Is it curable? Is it treatable? How will I finish and complete my obligations during treatments? How am I going to tell my friends? What will they think? Will I lose my hair?

Last week our sister-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. My heart dropped into my stomach when we got the call from my mother-in-law......after a very stressful week of test after test and doctor appointments after doctor appointments she just got some great news......The spots they found on her liver and lung are benign! Yea!

We just want Kristin to know how much we love her and that we are praying for her and her cute little family. She is so amazing and will fight this cancer with determination and great strength.

Cancer sucks, but it's amazing the technology they have these days to treat this disease.

Isn't she the cutest thing?
We love you Kristin!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A New Driveway

A couple months ago our builders told us that due to some chips or flakes or something in our driveway, they have to redo it and pour new cement. I had totally forgotten about it until I came home from work today to this.......

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Kenny Chesney

On June 30th - we hosted Kenny Chesney at Dicks Sporting Goods Park (great name, huh? aka Dicks) the new soccer stadium in Commerce City. The concert was absolutely fantastic...not only because I'm a big fan of Kenny, but there's so much energy and excitement when hosting your first big event at a brand new stadium. It was fun just to be a part of it - even when fans, with 5 minutes left in the concert, want a refund because Sugarland didn't end up performing. want to watch the entire concert and then get a refund? People crack me up. We are still dealing with the aftermath of the concert. We are bringing several people back to other concerts and/or a game because they weren't happy with the performance. Sometimes I think we are way too nice!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Rockies vs. Cubs

Saturday evening Winston and I went, for the first time, to Coors Field to see the Rockies play the Chicago Cubs. It was a perfect evening. We had a great time and the Rockies killed the Cubs.

Beau Jo's

After the shooting competition we went to eat lunch at Beau Jo's in Idaho Springs. They are well known for their pizza.

Shooting Competition

On Saturday Winston entered his first shooting competition with his friend Paul.

Me and Alysa went up to watch and root them on.....can you say "RED NECK"

Winston in action!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Congratulations Jonathan!

Winston's youngest brother, Jonathan (in the middle), got engaged tonight. We are so excited for him and can't wait to get to know Nicole better. This is the only picture we have of them together.
They are planning to get married in San Antonio some time in December.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Winston!

Winston celebrated his birthday by playing baseball. It was the end of the season tournament and their team lost the first game so we had time to actually go to dinner. We ate at a little whole in the wall Mexican restaurant. It was pretty good. BUT.....not as good as Tia Rosa in Arizona! :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

They Grow Up So Fast!

These are all of my nieces and nephews on the Blaser side.

Blaser Family Reunion in Utah

For the Blaser family vacation this year, we rented a "cabin" in Midway, Utah. We had a blast! Had the opportunity to visit BYU, Temple Square and the Olympic Park.

These are three of my nieces.....Eden, Megan and Malyn! Aren't they the cutest!

We also visited Temple Square. It was the first time I had seen the conference center.

This is my sister in law - Jennie Blaser and my sister - Julie Hobbs. We are all BYU alums.

First Day on the Blog

Thought I would try this out because all of my friends (ok, my 3 friends that have blogs) have been telling me how easy it is! we go...let's see how easy this really is!