Wednesday, August 22, 2007

One day at a time....

How would you feel if you went to the doctor for some tests and when he came out with the results he told had cancer? In just a matter of seconds so many thoughts are going through your mind. What kind of cancer is it? Has it spread anywhere? Is it curable? Is it treatable? How will I finish and complete my obligations during treatments? How am I going to tell my friends? What will they think? Will I lose my hair?

Last week our sister-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. My heart dropped into my stomach when we got the call from my mother-in-law......after a very stressful week of test after test and doctor appointments after doctor appointments she just got some great news......The spots they found on her liver and lung are benign! Yea!

We just want Kristin to know how much we love her and that we are praying for her and her cute little family. She is so amazing and will fight this cancer with determination and great strength.

Cancer sucks, but it's amazing the technology they have these days to treat this disease.

Isn't she the cutest thing?
We love you Kristin!


Betsy said...

OH that is so terrible. I'll be thinking and praying for her even though I don't know her.

Fisher Family said...

We wish her the best! What a pretty girl!